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It’s 10am: Time for the latest news from Sharp Top Cove! Click the video below.

What? Could it be? Say it isn’t so!!

Now, join Pastor Jon for a word of wisdom. Click the video below.

Well, that was encouraging!

Now all family members should change into messy clothes, get in some good stretches, and let the games begin:

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Family Game Time

If you made your slime last night, congrats on following directions. Get on your messy clothes have a blast!

If you didn’t make your slime in advance, it’s not too late. Dump the slime crystals into a large container and add 2 gallons of water. (Can be divided into more than one container.) You’ll have to wait an hour or two for maximum slimocity. Then have a blast with your family playing the games below.

Before you start, gather all your game supplies: Pre-made slime, two gallon-sized buckets or large plastic containers (don't have to be equal size); 2 equal sized smaller containers (around a 4-cup size); two empty water bottles; 2 plastic cups with holes poked in sides and bottom

Don’t forget to take some photos! *


Supplies: Premade slime in a large bucket, 2 equal-sized plastic containers (about 4 cup size)

1. Divide the family into two groups as relay teams.

2. Between the two teams, place the large bucket with slime in it.

3. Then, place the plastic containers about 50 feet in front of each team. These containers will become the finish line for each team.

4. On “go”, the first person in line fills his/her hands with slime and runs to their finish line container, and drops the slime from their hands into the container.

5. Then, they run back to their team and slap hands with the next person in line. The next person fills his/her hands with slime and runs to fill the container. This continues until one team fills their container.



Supplies: 2 buckets or large containers or pre-made slime, 2 smaller containers or (about 4-cup size)

1.  Divide into two teams. Each team stands in a line, with a filled bucket of slime in front the teams, and an empty container behind the last person (at the end of EACH line).

2. On "go," the first person in each line puts his/her hands into the slime and scoops out the slime.

3. Then, she turns around and dumps the slime into the hands of the person behind her.

4. This continues down the line.

5. The last person empties his hands filled with slime into the container behind him.

6. As soon as the first child in line has passed the slime, she can grab more slime to pass. The first team to fill their container is the winner. 



1. Evenly divide remainder slime into several plastic containers.

2. Place the containers around the yard.

3. Let each person get a handful of slime and spread out into the yard.

4. On “go”, they may throw the slime and go back to the buckets for more! When the slime is out, the war is over!



Supplies: 2 Empty water bottles, 2 buckets or large plastic containers filled with water, 2 plastic cups

1. On each team, one person lies on the ground while holding an empty water bottle on his/her forehead.

2. Everyone else lines up in two relay lines.

3. On “go”, the first person fills up his cup from the bucket, runs to his teammate, and pours it into his teammate’s bottle while standing over his head.

4. When all the water is poured out from the cup, the person runs back to his relay line and gives the cup to the next person  in line.

5. Then the next teammate will do the same until the bottle is filled.

6. Once the bottle is filled, the bottle person should run to the finish line without spilling.



Supplies: 1 large bucket or container full of water, 2 smaller containers, 2 cups with holes in bottom and sides

1. Divide into two teams. Give the first person in line a cup with holes in it.

2. Place a container for each team about 50 feet away from the starting line.

3. On "go," the first person on each team fills his cup with water from the large bucket.

4. He places the leaking cup over his head and runs towards the team's bucket.

5. When he gets to the bucket, he dumps whatever water is left in his cup into the team's bucket. 

6. He runs back and gives the cup to the next person in line and this continues for each person in line.

7. The team that has the most water in their bucket after everyone has had a turn is the winner.


S’more fun!

All that sliming people makes me hungry!

Find the ingredients in your camp kit. ONLY with your parents help, roast the marshmallows over an open flame if possible. Then add a chocolate bar and smash it between two graham crackers. Mmmmm

If a campfire isn’t available, make ’em in the oven. Top a cracker with chocolate and marshmallow; bake in a preheated 400° oven for 3-5 mins. Carefully take it out and smash that second cracker down on top. Careful, it’s hot and ooey gooey delicious!

We hope you had fun at our virtual camp. We can’t wait ’til next year when we’ll all be together at Sharp Top Cove! Until then, keep your eyes open and keep reaching for the s’mores.

* Send your best family fun photos to, for us to post here. Check back later to see more!