Transparency Leads the Way

A group of KidzLife boys are very engaged in their small group activity. 

A KidzLife Small Group leader recently told us this story:

During our small group, we were talking about times that it is hard to really believe what God says. Even though my co-leaders and I were asking great questions, none of our kids would open up. I had prayed about sharing something personal, and I felt that perhaps if I shared my own struggle, the kids might open up. So I told the kids that I had started smoking when I was a teenager. Over the years, I have tried to stop many times. But this time, as I am trying to stop smoking, I am believing God for His help and His power. Some of the kids (and the other leaders) were shocked that I admitted this problem, but I felt that it was really important for me to be honest with my struggles. It was really cool to hear the kids, one after the other, share stuff that they were dealing with too. In church, as an adult leader, it's hard to admit short-comings because we so want to be a role model to our kids, but I am learning that part of being a good leader means that I have to be honest and willing to admit areas in my life where I truly need God's help.